Exhibition “Caracas in Three Times” at the FAU UCV
Architecture and Urbanism Faculty UCV

CABA Cartography of the Caracas barrios was part of an exhibition titled “Caracas in Three Times” at the Architecture and Urbanism Faculty at the Central University in Venezuela between April and September 2018. Boards with information about the informal settlements in each municipality of Caracas hung from the halls´ ceiling as part of the exhibition. A satellite map of the city in 1:5,000 scale that measures 12 meters in length and 5 meters in width occupied the floor of the library´s entrance hall which allowed it to be viewed from the higher levels of the exhibition space. Events organized by Luis Ra Bergolla of CCS365 and Valentina Caradonna using the map to recognize relationships in the city complemented the exhibition as well as a lecture by Elisa Silva sharing urban reflections from the research work CABA.

Area: 128 m2 | Contest position: winning project | Client: Citibank Venezuela y Fudep Venezuel | Team: Decanato de Extensión FAU UCV, CCS 365 & Enlace Arquitectura | Photography: Enlace Arquitectura & Valentina Caradonna