IPC | First Gathering - Strategies for Integration
La Cruz basketball court, barrio La Palomera, Baruta - Caracas, Venezuela

November 17, 2018
Integration process Caracas / IPC
The event marked the beginning of the Caracas Integration process. It consisted of a set of presentations by various guests, on topics such as the real and symbolic integration of the city and the distinction between "formal" and "informal" city.
The speakers shared their experiences of integration from the perspective of art, pedagogy, urban design and local experiences at the basketball court of the La Cruz de La Palomera sector. Among those who attended the event were students, visitors from other parts of the city, children and members of the community. At the end of the presentations everyone participated in a workshop led by Katiuska Camargo, who invited people to draw proposals for urban, artistic and pedagogical transformation they could imagine for La Palomera.
Elisa Silva, architect, and director of Enlace Foundation
Cheo Carvajal, journalist, activist and director Ciudad Laboratorio
Natalya Critchley, visual artist
José González, community leader of barrio El Calvario
Katiuska Camargo, community leader in Barrio Unión Petare, and Haciendo Ciudad
María Virginia Millán, architect Enlace Foundation
Sergio Dos Santos, architect Enlace Foundation

Client: United States Venezuelan Affairs Unit | Team: Enlace Foundation and Ciudad Laboratorio | Photography: Enlace Foundation