Beauperthuy House
Cumaná, Venezuela

Cumaná is the oldest city in Venezuela, located in the country´s eastern region. Its historic core, located along the banks of the Manzanares River, was declared a historically significant area in 1977, followed by renovation and restorations plans for its public spaces. Sucre Street, provides access into the town center, the Castle of San Antonio de la Eminencia and the Church of Santa Inés. The street is also lined with colonial houses, including that of Ramos Sucre, Andrés Eloy Blanco, and the house of Dr. Luis Daniel Beauperthuy.
Beauperthuy's life spanned 64 years, of which 29 were spent on Venezuelan soil. He was the city's doctor, provided services to the community and is known for his important contributions to medicine, such as determining the transmitting agent of yellow fever and leprosy in 1853.
Years later, the house became a cultural reference point serving as the Cumaná anthropology museum. In 2020, the museum closed its doors, after suffering damage from an invasion, and the accumulated deterioration of years of poor maintenance. At the end of 2023, a group of relatives decided to rescue the Beauperthuy House.
Erected on wooden posts, bahareque enclosures, a tin roof and terracotta tiles, the house is a benchmark of colonial architecture, and traditional construction. Restoration efforts began with a survey of current conditions, the exploration of construction methods and materials contemporary with its time period. Repair work follows ancestral techniques so that the house can represent a model of architecture that is not only historically significant, but also sustainable and respectful of the environment. Once restored, it will be used for cultural, artistic and educational uses.

Photography: Enlace Arquitectura