CABA - Cartography of the Caracas barrios 1966-2014
Caracas, Venezuela

2013 - 2015
"CABA Cartography of the Caracas barrios" maps the spontaneous settlements of Caracas which were historically absent in conventional cartography. It seeks to nourish futures studies on the city and encourage a renewed recognition of the barrio as an intrinsic part fo the urban fabric. The purpose of this research is to document and register the city´s geographic and demographic transformations through essays and mappings. The area of occupation, the number of houses and the population living in informal settlements of Caracas are described in the form of 134 maps, 80 tables, 75 graphs, 23 diagrams, narrative and analytical texts as well as data that demonstrate the evolution of spontaneous settlements in Caracas during 1966, 1984, 2000 and 2014. The infomation has been disagregated and presented in terms of settlement units, parishes and municipalities to allow for various consultation approaches and interests. The data supports analysis and reflections on the urbanization processes that structure a territory where nearly half of the city´s population resides. The data also reveals a clear tendency toward a non-planned urban model. Even though the barrios have been the solution to the sustained housing deficit, they do not build an efficient, equitable and sustainable urban fabric. The vast extension of spontaneous setlements requires varied interventions that include social support, infrastructure, public space, educational facilities, mobility, culture and productivity, so they may offer a better quality of life and ample opportunities to their inhabitants.
Authors: Elisa Silva, Valentina Caradonna, Odette Galavis.
Collaborators: Roselys Acosta, Francisco Aguilar, Jeniree Calderón, Ray Coello, Sergio Dos Santos, Alberto Tovar.
Texts: Henry Vicente Garrido, Lorenzo González Casas, Orlando Marín, José Carvajal, Liliana Amundaraín, Elisa Silva, Valentina Caradonna, Odette Galavis.
Language: Spanish
Publisher: Fundación Espacio
ISBN: 978-980-7748-00-1
Publication date: 2015

Client: Maximo Sacchini & Grupo SSA | Team: Enlace Arquitectura, Cartography: Tranarg Consultores, Editor: Fundación Espacio | Photography: Aérea Estudio