• First meeting in preparation for the 450 year anniversary of the city - Instituto Metropolitano de Urbanismo Taller Caracas (IMUTC)


The satelite map of Caracas at1:5.000 scale from the exhibition "CABA: Mapping 48 years of informal settlment growth in Caracas" was presented atthe Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Administración (IESA) Caracas - Venezuela, on the ocassion of the eventorganizad by the Instituto Metropolitano de Urbanismo Taller Caracas (IMUTC) of the Metropolitana Mayorship to evaluate projects for the celebration of the city´s 450 year anniversary.

The satelite map of Caracas at1:5.000 scale from the exhibition "CABA: Mapping 48 years of informal settlment growth in Caracas" was presented atthe Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Administración (IESA) Caracas - Venezuela, on the ocassion of the eventorganizad by the Instituto Metropolitano de Urbanismo Taller Caracas (IMUTC) of the Metropolitana Mayorship to evaluate projects for the celebration of the city´s 450 year anniversary.