• The City that we produce and reproduce through language - sponsored by the Anne Frank Foundation


"The Caracas that I see" was the premise of an online meeting titled "The city we produce and reproduce through language" held on July 24, 2020. Cheo Carvajal, Rogmy Armas, and María Virginia Millán shared ideas about the city, the way citizens relate to it, and how a distinction is created, through language, between the real city, the one that exists, and the city we recognize in the imaginary.

"The Caracas that I see" was the premise of an online meeting titled "The city we produce and reproduce through language" held on July 24, 2020. Cheo Carvajal, Rogmy Armas, and María Virginia Millán shared ideas about the city, the way citizens relate to it, and how a distinction is created, through language, between the real city, the one that exists, and the city we recognize in the imaginary.

Rogmy Armas (Designer and innovation coordinator at Labo Ciudadano)
María Virginia Millán (Architect of Enlace Arquitectura and Enlace Foundation)
Cheo Carvajal (Journalist. Master in design and public space. Director of Ciudad Laboratorio)