Review of the journal Manifest with Elisa Silva, Sharif Kahatt, Anthony Acciavatti and Mauricio Quirós.
Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo - PUCP

Elisa Silva is invited to participate in a review of the magazine Manifest titled "Bigger than big: Phantom infrastructure" together with the editor of the magazine Anthony Acciavatti, the professor of architecture at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú Sharif Kahatt and Mauricio Quirós Pacheco, professor at the University of Toronto, who served as moderator. Elisa's contribution centered on her article “Communal land, culture and production through mezcal producing communities in oaxaca’s central valley by Elisa Silva.”
Elisa Silva is invited to participate in a review of the magazine Manifest titled "Bigger than big: Phantom infrastructure" together with the editor of the magazine Anthony Acciavatti, the professor of architecture at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú Sharif Kahatt and Mauricio Quirós Pacheco, professor at the University of Toronto, who served as moderator. Elisa's contribution centered on her article “Communal land, culture and production through mezcal producing communities in oaxaca’s central valley by Elisa Silva.”