Interview with Elisa Silva published by Rotary International France
Rotary International Governor's letter

The monthly letter from the Governor of Rotary International District 1700 Occitanie - Pays Catalan – Andorre featured an interview with Elisa Silva conducted by Marie-Francoise Chapuis, and Rotary Montpellier Maguelone President Carlos Davis in February 2023. Elisa shares her story as a student exchange in Montpellier in 1993 and her academic and professional career since then.
The monthly letter from the Governor of Rotary International District 1700 Occitanie - Pays Catalan – Andorre featured an interview with Elisa Silva conducted by Marie-Francoise Chapuis, and Rotary Montpellier Maguelone President Carlos Davis in February 2023. Elisa shares her story as a student exchange in Montpellier in 1993 and her academic and professional career since then.