• 100 Women leaders including Elisa Silva were honored in Caracas

    Elisa Silva has been selected as one of 100 women leaders acknowledged this Saturday, March 11 at 7:00 pm at La Concha Acústica de Bello Monte.

  • This year´s Wallenberg Symposium at the University of Michigan Taubman College of Architecture focused on equity in architectural education through mentorship. Elisa Silva, in representation of FIU, was among the invited panelists together with Andrew Chin of Florida A&M University, Edmund Akima Brackeen from IIT, Bradford Grant of Howard University, Coleman Jordan from Morgan State University, Stephanie Pilat from the University of Oklahoma and Carmina Sánchez at Hampton University among others. It took place at the Ann Arbor campus on January 30, 2023. 

  • The exhibit features maps of 6 vulnerable neighborhoods in South Florida that are the result of student research and conversations with neighbors. They show the simultaneous superposition of buildings in three times: 1. Those of the past that have been demolished, 2. Those of the present, and 3. Future projects aimed at a public of greater economic affluence and different from the current population.

  • Colegio de Arquitectos de Rosario Argentina presents a conversation between participants of the Venice Biennale 2021 - Peru, Venezuela and Argentina

    The Rosario Argentina Institute of Architects brings together the architectural offices León Marcial from Peru, Enlace Arquitectura from Venezuela and the curator of the Argentina Pavilion at the 2021 Venice Biennale Gerardo Caballero. The discussion takes place on Thursday, September 30, 2021. The event is moderated by the architect Paola Gallino and published via zoom and youtube streaming.

  • The Advisory Council of the City of Barquisimeto CCCB presents a virtual discussion moderated by Architect Franco Micucci September 27 and 28, 2021, focused on rethinking and reflecting on the city post-covid in terms of new forms of connectivity and urban mobility. Elisa Silva along with architects Luciano Landaeta, Julia King, Jorge Pérez, Lorenzo González Casas and David Gouverneur participate in the discussion.


  • The Escola da Cidade in Sao Paulo, Brazil invites Elisa Silva to participate in the open course Architectures of the Global South on Saturday September 18, 2021, which aims to expand the repertoire of contemporary architectural practice by considering the urgent needs of new perspectives, fundamentally counter-hegemonic. The course focuses on the practice of architects in the Global South, revealing the complexities behind each developed project.    

    Elisa shared the experience of La Palomera, the program Integración en Proceso Caracas and the exhibition at the Architecture Biennial in Venice.  

  • Elisa presents a conference "Complete City: La Palomera, acknowledgement and celebration" at the Institute of Oporto Portugal

    Lecture by Elisa Silva within the framework of the Expedition '21 studio of the Institute of Architecture in Porto Portugal, whose focus this year is “Critical neighborhoods: Architecture and appropriation in Bairro do Leal." The workshop seeks to present a set of regeneration strategies in the precarious territory of Bairro do Leal, in Porto, demonstrating the capacity of architecture to improve the living conditions of inhabitants. Elisa's contribution was based on the experiences in the barrio La Palomera in Caracas Venezuela.

  • In observance of the Week of the Architect 2021, Maria Virginia Millán is invited to present a lecture by the National Coordination of Architecture Students of the Rafael Urdaneta University, where she presented “Access to the Complete City: Transformations of public space and recognition of the city." María Virginia shared part Enlace Arquitectura's work promoting the right to the city and the integration of barrios, creating links with the community and their recognition as part of the city.

  • Elisa Silva is invited to participate in a review of the magazine Manifest titled "Bigger than big: Phantom infrastructure" together with the editor of the magazine Anthony Acciavatti, the professor of architecture at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú Sharif Kahatt and Mauricio Quirós Pacheco, professor at the University of Toronto, who served as moderator. Elisa's contribution centered on her article “Communal land, culture and production through mezcal producing communities in oaxaca’s central valley by Elisa Silva.”

  • On March 23, 2021 Elisa Silva is one of the panelists in the Latinx event Spring '21 Roundtable Series, an inter-university collaboration initiative by NOMAS of the Yale School of Architecture.

  • Elisa presented the lecture "Grafted, hybrid (in)complete" as part of the public lecture series at Princeton University School of Architecture on March 18, 2021. After an introduction by Dean Monica Ponce de León, Elisa presented the work of Enlace Arquitectura in the barrio La Palomera over the course of the last 5 years and the evolution of the office's practice, methodologies and focus.

  • On Tuesday March 9, 2021, the Media + Modernity program of the School of Architecture at Princeton University presents Elisa Silva and the recent publication Puro Espacio, edited by Actar with the support of the Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in Fine Arts and CAF. 

  • The Department of Architecture of Florida International University FIU organized the discussion panel “Social Urbanism” on Tuesday, October 13. It focused on the challenges and opportunities of urban planning in spontaneous settlements of Latin America, specifically in Colombia and Venezuela.

  • The Museum of Architecture in Caracas hosts its 9th debate on "Popular Communities. The Emerging City", Wednesday, August 5, 2020. The invited speakers include Joao de Freitas, Elisa Silva and Rafael Machado. The discussion is moderated by Newton Rauseo and commented by Juan Carlos Rodríguez.

  • On July 30, 2020 Elisa Silva speaks with Jeanette Sordi, one of the publishers of the book “NESS.doc 2 Landscape as Urbanism in the Americas” and Alfredo Ramírez, as part of an online event to celebrate the publication’s launching.

  • "The Caracas that I see" was the premise of an online meeting titled "The city we produce and reproduce through language" held on July 24, 2020. Cheo Carvajal, Rogmy Armas, and María Virginia Millán shared ideas about the city, the way citizens relate to it, and how a distinction is created, through language, between the real city, the one that exists, and the city we recognize in the imaginary.

  • On Saturday May 23, 2020, an event was held on the virtual platform Zoom to celebrate, remember and reflect on all that has happened since the Cross of May was re-enacted in 2019. The event was also part of the exhibition "Complete City: La Palomera, acknowledgment and celebration" at the Hacienda La Trinidad Parque Cultural, and the Integration Process Caracas IPC program.

  • Technologically complex building systems presented in the guise of innovation by the "developed" world's industry are certainly admired in the Global South. And yet in spite of the aspirational tendency to copy and appropriate all things new that come from the "north", the brick (or block) continues to be the most suitable and frequent way for people and communities to build in Latin America. 

  • Elisa is invited to speak at the BEAT Talk session of Wednesday, October 23, 2019 at the offices of Hariri Pontarini Architects in Toronto about the work of her studio Enlace Arquitectura. BEAT is a non-for-profit organization that works in collaboration with architects to provide a platform for promoting equality within the profession, through networking and leadership opportunities.

  • Enlace Foundation was among the participants of the discussion titled “Actions: the barrio is city” where María Virginia Millan presented work in the barrio La Palomera along with María Isabel Peña from CCScity450 and Cheo Carvajal from Ciudad Laboratorio. It was part of the events related to the exhibition “Lets Meet Each Other,” presented by Espacio Anna Frank at the Sala TAC of Trasnocho Cultural in Caracas Venezuela.

  • Enlace Arquitectura presented the Beethoven Avenue in Bello Monte project at the celebration of the 452nd anniversary of Caracas on July 26, 2019, organized by CCScity450 and Fundación Espacio. Slides of the project, which includes the design of sidewalks and new public plazas commissioned by the bank Banesco in 2017, were projected onto a building facade.


  • The Nature of Cities Summit took place for the very first time at Sorbonne University, Jussieu Marie Curie campus in Paris France on June 6, 2019. Organized by David Maddox and a very capable multidisciplinary team of artists, ecologists, activists, landscape architects and planners, the summit presented several discussion panels focusing on different aspects of a green city. Elisa participated in a panel together with David Simon -London and Cape Town, Fish Yu-Shenzhen and Samarth Das-Mumbai in the Summit Dialogue: How can we create living space in cities? 

  • On Saturday, May 25, the Cross of May "Mobile Museum" was celebrated in the community of La Palomera, as part of the program Integration in Process Caracas IPC. The event began with a procession where portions of a model of La Palomera were carried from the Simpon Bolívar Square in Baruta to the La Cruz de La Palomera sector. It was followed by a generous array of exhibitions, concerts, performandes, rituals, games, videos and the customary "Sancocho."

  • Elisa is part of a conversation initiated by Agustín Schang and Laura González that explores contemporary architecture models operating Across the Americas. The group was comprised by Julian Palacio, Jorge Ambrosi & Gabriela Etchegaray, Rafael Gamo, Elisa Silva and Maite Borjabad Lopez-Pastor.

  • The 2018 Guangzhou Award Technical Committee presented the 15 shortlisted cities at the 7th UCLG ASPAC congress in Surabaya Indonesia. Elisa Silva was part of the Technical Committee and also participated in a panel discussion on Urban Innovation together with Wandia Seaforth from Nairobi Kenya, Greg Budworth from Sydney Australia, Enrique Silva from the Lincoln Land Institute, Belinda Yuen from Singapore, Kristen Miller from Ecocity, Ali El-Faramawi from Cairo Egypt, Luigi Cipolla from Italy, and Carlos Zaballa from Buenos Aires Argentina. The discussions were moderated by Nicholas You of Citistates and coordinator of the Guangzhou Award.

  • The publication “Downward Spiral: El Helicoide´s descent from Mall to Prison” edited by Celeste Olalquiaga and Lisa Blackmore will be presented at the bookstore Lugar Comun in Altamira Caracas, on Friday the 13th of July 2018. The event will be presided by Vicente Lecuna with the participation of several of the book´s collaborators including Elisa Silva.

  • Elisa Silva was invited by the journalist Graciela Beltran for an interview on her radio program on Onda Station 109.7 RM on June 22nd 2018, to speak about the value of public space in the city. They also touched on the experience of the Sabana Grande Boulevard transformation, the potential integration of the city including its informal settlements through a network of public spaces, and the upcoming publication by Enlace Arquitectura on public spaces in informal settlements of Latin American cities titled “Pure Space”.

  • Elisa Silva was invited to speak at the VII Cisneros Foundation Seminar titled “Disruptions: Dilemmas Regarding the Image in Contemporaneity” curated by Ileana Ramírez. It considers art´s link with politics as it operates to construct new subjectivities, and encourage questioning of what Jacques Rancière called “the aesthetic and representative logic of art”. The event took place March 16 2018 at the Chacao Cultural Center. Elisa’s intervention centered on the relationship of Caracas’ inhabitants with the real city, denied and replace by a plutonic and narcissistic love that is disengaged and inoperative. A dysfunctional relationship and missed timing, as exemplified in Félix González Torres´ 1989 piece “Perfect Lovers.”

  • Elisa was invited to a live interview with Albani Losada and Unai Abenamar as part of their program on Radio Station Exitos 99.7, the 19th of February 2018. The conversation centered on the role public space plays in building social cohesion in cities. The City Planting projects by Citibank and Fudep are examples of how communities come together to transform their environment, but also manifest their desire to be considered equals in the city.

  • Elisa participated in the 9th UN Habitat World Urban Forum in Kuala Lumpur. The Conavi office of social housing in Mexico and the offices of UN Habitat in Mexico have formed an alliance to collaborate on research regarding implementation practices of the NAMA program on sustainable social housing. Elisa Silva will study current practices on existing sustainable social housing complexes and identify practice opportunities to improve implementation and achieve buildings that achieve the targets of reduced energy and water consumption. Conavi and Infonavit, the country´s main mortgage lender, have vowed to reduce carbon emissions 50% by 2020 through better social housing building and maintenance practices. 

  • Enlace Arquitectura shares experiences in the participative design processes of the "City Planting" program together with other distinguished collegues at the Factulty of Architecture and Urbanism at the Central University of Venezuela. The event was organized by the Goethe Institute, Glocal Studio, Taller X and the Factulty of Architecture and Urbanism FAU on Friday March 10, 2017 from 9:00 am through 5:00pm.

  • Elisa Silva presents the conference "Mapping and visualizing the growth of informal settlements - case Caracas 1966-2014" during the Limapolis 2017 Surco Canal workshop at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Perú, in Lima, Monday March 6th 2017 at 7:00 pm.

  • Enlace Arquitectura was invited to participate in the project "Antimano - Catholic University Andres Bello - Live Cartography" with the exhibition "CABA Cartography of the Caracas barrios 1966-2014". The exhibition is open to the public during the month of March 2017 in the Experimental Hall of the Catholic University Andres Bello Cultural Center and includes a series of municipal maps and a large scale satellite map of Caracas (12.0 x 5.5 meters) at 1:5,000 scale, that shows the slum areas. Slums account for 4,470 hectares and the equivalent of 24% of the entire urban territory. 1.449.055 inhabitants live there, which is 45% of the Caracas population.

  • Elisa participates as aspeaker at the Global Shaper´s Caracas event, on Wednesday December 2nd at the offices of Wayra, Xerox tower. The discussion topiccentered on "Reasons to live inVenezuela". She was joined by singer Laura Guevara, polititican Roberto Patiño and beer distributer Jesús Sánchez.

  • Valentina Caradonna participated in the development of the Ship project, workshop and perfirmancetogether with artist Nancy Nowacek, Backroom Caracas, the Facultyof Architecture at the Central University of Venezuela, the American Embassy, Cultura Chacao, and CCS FORUM 2015. Architects adkjm, Central Arquitectura and Ricardo Sanz were also integral participantes in the initiative which took place between the 2nd and 7th of November 2015.

  • Elisa presented a lecture atthe BEA Gallery of the Paul L. Cejas School of Architecture at FIUon the content of her research for the Wheelwright Prize shereceived from Harvard GSD in 2011, and has continued to evolvesince then. The presentation identifies approximations to formulate public space through environmental strategies, infrastructure, pavement, buildings and activities as well as investment approachesto create public space interventions in informal settlements of Latin American cities.

  • The exhibition presents research work by Elisa Silva for the Wheelwright Fellowship from the Graduate School of Design Harvard University. It is open to the public between the 8th of Septemberand the 18th of October 2014 at the Eric Arthur Gallery ofthe Daniels Faculty of Architecture at the University of Toronto. The show includes 21 projects in the cities of Lima, Medellin, Guayaquil, Valparaiso, Caracas and Rio de Janeiro. where publicspace is created in informal settlments as part of largerinvestments in major infrastructure, environmental conservation andrisk management projects.

  • La Caja - Centro Cultural Chacao, Caracas

    Between the 14th of September and the 30th of November, theexhibition "Proyecto Helicoide: Fantastic Visions" presents thework of several Venezuelan artists and architects invited to sharetheir statements or projections related to the little understoodmodern architecture legacy called El Helicoide. The piece by Elisa Silva titled "Section: San Agustín - Helicoide - Cota 905" formspart of the exhibition.

  • The exhibition Posible Helicoides: Fantastic visions, includesthe piece by Enlace Arquitectura titled "San Agustín - Helicoide -Cota 905". The show will be inaugurated on Sunday September 15,2015 at 11:00 am at the Caja- Visual Research Space of the CCCH -Chacao Cultural Center on the Tamanaco Avenue, El Rosal. Entranceis free of charge.

  • Along with the 69 proposals submitted for the first phase of the "Public Ideas Competition to transform the Air Base into the La Carlota Metropolitan Green Park" sponsored by the Caracas Metropolitan Mayor's Office, Enlace Arquitectura´s proposal will be exhibited as one of three finalists and participants in the competition´s second phase.
