• On Tuesday, November 29, 2022, as part of Art Basel Miami, the “ON PAPER” exhibition will be inaugurated by the architecture studios León Marcial, Rozana Montiel Arquitecture Studio and Enlace Arquitectura. The content focuses on the art of exhibiting architecture, specifically in the recent exhibitions of the Venice Biennale 2021 and in the Biennale of Architecture and Landscape in Versailles France 2022.

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  • A conversation about the exhibition “Common: how do we inhabit the city as a collective space? with Gerardo Caballero, Paola Gallino and Elisa Silva, and moderated by Javier Mendiondo on the exhibitions “We have Something in Common” and “Microprocesses, a choreography of urban integration”. It took place on November 3, 2022 at the Parque de España Cultural Center, Rosario Argentina.


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  • This year the XII Ibero-American Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism 2022 was held in Mexico City together with the event Mextropolis, an initiative by Arquine Magazine. The publications jury, comprised of Ana Vergés, Ana Martínez, Guillen Augé and Raúl Cárdenas, Ana María Álvarez, Ethel Baraona and Florencia Rodríguez, selected the book Pure Space to be included in this edition.

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  • On September 15, 2022, Elisa presents the work of Enlace Arquitectura in the barrio La Palomera and the Guaire River in Caracas Venezuela and in the Central Valleys of Mexico at the Rotary Club in Montpellier that 29 years ago received her as an exchange student in 1993 -1994, revealing how that experience sparked an interest in art and architecture that came to define her profession.

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  • Elisa Silva presents the Guaire River, one of Enlace Foundation´s most recent research projects, on Friday, July 15 at 7:00 p.m., at the Centro Cultural Casino Caracas @casinopavilion located on the Avenida Urdaneta, Caracas, Venezuela.

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  • Enlace Arquitectura and Ciudad Laboratorio present the exhibition “Microprocesses: choreography of urban integration” as part of the exhibition “Commun: une architecture avec les habitants” at Arc en Rêve Center d'Architecture, Bordeaux, France, from June 23 to September 18, 2022. The exhibition brings together the works of the 2021Chicago Architecture Biennale presented at the Graham Foundation and the content of the French Pavilion at the 2021 Biennale di Venezia. The selection presents examples of design of spaces with the active participation of their inhabitants.

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  • "Narratives of the built environment" - lecture by Elisa Silva

    Elisa Silva presents a lecture titled "Narratives of the built environment" withun the lecture seires "Perspectives of Practice" sponsored by the Department of Architecture at Florida International University FIU. The event was held via zoom on Tuesday, November 2, 2021 at 2:00 pm.

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  • Elisa participates in the III Cuatrimester 2021 organized by EntreNos in San José Costa Rica on November 1, 2021. Frameworks encompasses the professional practices of various architects in Latin America and the Global South. They reflect on the agency of design to curb social justice through actions in space. 

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  • The Ambassador Romain Nadal visits La Palomera to celebrate the culmination of the rainwater collection project in the Annex of the Casa de Todos, Wednesday October 27, 2021. The Ambassador gave certificates to the people from the community who attended the technical workshops led by Lata de Agua. The collection system was financed by the French Embassy in Venezuela, and the project was executed by the Asociación CAUCE and Enlace Fundación.

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  • Enlace Arquitectura and Ciudad Laboratorio are part of the fourth edition of the Chicago Architecture Biennial 2021

    Enlace Arquitectura and Ciudad Laboratorio are part of the fourth edition of the Chicago Architecture Biennial titled "The Available City", which opened to the public on September 17, 2021 and remains until December 18, 2021. This year, the Chicago Architecture Biennale is curated by the artistic director David Brown and includes more than 80 projects from 18 different countries that contribute ideas for collective spaces centered on communities.

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  • The Master in Territory and Landscape and Observatory of Landscape and Sustainability Program at the Universidad Diego Portales UDP in Santiago Chile, invites an international cast of women recognized in the field of landscape architecture to present their academic and professional work through a series of talks "Women in Landscape Architecture: 12 perspectives".

    Elisa’s presented "The Complete City: La Palomera, acknowledgement and celebration" on Wednesday July 21, 2021 at 12:00 hrs.

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  • As part of a series of seminars, workshops, and academic courses, SURLab - a collaborative platform for knowledge production and exchange, funded by the Flemish government (VLIR UOS), and created in collaboration with the Urban Studies Unit of the Universidad Católica Santiago de Guayaquil & the Sustainable Cities Research Group LlactaLAB of Universidad de Cuenca - sponsored the Second edition of the Webinar “Co-producing Inclusive Spaces”.

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  • María Virginia Millán and Valentina Caradonna present the work of Enlace Arquitectura in the Taller X of the Faculty of Architecture at the Central University of Venezuela

    María Virginia Millán, Valentina Caradonna and Elisa Silva, participated in Yellow Wednesday of Taller X, an architectural design studio of the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism at the Central University of Venezuela on June 30, 2021. The event was moderated by Azier Calvo.

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  • The Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in Fine Arts awards Enlace Foundation a grant for the project "Nothing out of the ordinary" at the Art and Culture Center (Casa de Todos Annex) in La Palomera, Caracas Venezuela"

    "Nothing out of the ordinary: a space for art, celebration, acknowledgement and sancochos in the barrio La Palomera" is a cultural project consisting of art, music, workshops and celebrations, created together with the community that take place in a dilapidated structure in the barrio La Palomera that is being progressively renovated and transformed into a center for art and culture.

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  • We are pleased to share the news that Enlace Arquitectura has been invited to be part of the 17 International Architecture Exhibition at the Biennale di Architettura di Venezia, curated by the Lebanese architect and dean of the MIT Faculty of Architecture, Hashim Sarkis, which examines the question “How will we live together?”.

    The Biennale is open to the public from May 22, 2021 to November 21, 2021.

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  • On Tuesday March 9, 2021, the Media + Modernity program of the School of Architecture at Princeton University presents Elisa Silva and the recent publication Puro Espacio, edited by Actar with the support of the Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in Fine Arts and CAF. 

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  • After consolidating the door-to-door solid waste collection program led by the company Fospuca, with the support of the community of La Palomera, Enlace Foundation, Ciudad Laboratorio and the City of Baruta, on Monday, November 9, 2020 the open-air garbage container at the entrance of the barrio La Palomera was eliminated. 

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  • On Saturday, November 7, 2020, a training workshop - led by the Cauce Civil Association - focuses on the empowerment of women and gender equality. It was held in the annex of La Casa de Todos in La Palomera - Baruta.

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  • The Department of Architecture of Florida International University FIU organized the discussion panel “Social Urbanism” on Tuesday, October 13. It focused on the challenges and opportunities of urban planning in spontaneous settlements of Latin America, specifically in Colombia and Venezuela.

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  • The Creative Campus of the Andrés Bello University in Santiago Chile and ArchDaily come together to develop a space for open conversation. It seeks to reveal themes and questions from perspectives of various Ibero-American architects.

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  • The Museum of Architecture in Caracas hosts its 9th debate on "Popular Communities. The Emerging City", Wednesday, August 5, 2020. The invited speakers include Joao de Freitas, Elisa Silva and Rafael Machado. The discussion is moderated by Newton Rauseo and commented by Juan Carlos Rodríguez.

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  • As part of the celebration of Caracas 453th anniversary, María Virginia Millán participated in the International Panel of urban transformation experiences, July 25, 2020. The program was coordinated and organized by Síudad.

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  • "The Caracas that I see" was the premise of an online meeting titled "The city we produce and reproduce through language" held on July 24, 2020. Cheo Carvajal, Rogmy Armas, and María Virginia Millán shared ideas about the city, the way citizens relate to it, and how a distinction is created, through language, between the real city, the one that exists, and the city we recognize in the imaginary.

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  • This event is presented as part of the exhibition “Complete City: La Palomera, acknowledgement and celebration” and the program Integration Process Caracas. Over the course of several months, various creative experiences were organized. They were conceived in/from the barrio La Palomera as a space of learning, participation and dialogue. Actions and artistic practices also incorporated traditional cultural manifestations.

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  • Enlace Arquitectura has been invited to the 17th International Architecture Exhibition Biennale di Venezia 2020, scheduled to open August 29, 2020. Curator Hashim Sarkis has chosen "How will we live together" as this year's central focus:  “We need a new spatial contract. In the context of widening political divides and growing economic inequalities, we call on architects to imagine spaces in which we can generously live together." Enlace Arquitectura is honored and grateful to be a part of this prestigious celebration of current practice.

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  • Enlace Arquitectura participates in “Views toward the Transformation of Maracaibo,” which represents the the First Congress organized by the Municipality of Maracaibo. Sergio Dos Santos presents the experience of the project Sabana Grande Boulevard Pavement built between 2009 and 2011 and commissioned by PDVSA La Estancia. The presentation is part of an ensemble of reflections on strategies to improve the livelihood of citizens through significant urban interventions.

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  • Elisa is invited to speak at the BEAT Talk session of Wednesday, October 23, 2019 at the offices of Hariri Pontarini Architects in Toronto about the work of her studio Enlace Arquitectura. BEAT is a non-for-profit organization that works in collaboration with architects to provide a platform for promoting equality within the profession, through networking and leadership opportunities.

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  • Today, October 3, 2019, Fospuca began a door-to-door waste collection program in La Palomera, Baruta, employing people from the community with the institutional support of the City of Baruta and the social accompaniment of Enlace Foundation. The initiative provides barrio inhabitants with a better-quality service and will eliminate the presence of containers in the entrances of the informal settlement. It represents a pilot project that will be replicated in other sectors of the municipality such as El Placer de María, Ojo de Agua, Las Minas, Santa Cruz and Hoyo de la Puerta.

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  • Elisa Silva is selected among the 33 Sally and Don Lucas Artists Fellows of the Montalvo Arts Center in California, in recognition of her work focused on raising awareness of spatial inequality and efforts to integrate barrios into broader urban dynamics through public space interventions. She will pursue research on the formal characteristics of exisitng public space in the barrio La Palomera.

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  • Enlace Arquitectura presented the Beethoven Avenue in Bello Monte project at the celebration of the 452nd anniversary of Caracas on July 26, 2019, organized by CCScity450 and Fundación Espacio. Slides of the project, which includes the design of sidewalks and new public plazas commissioned by the bank Banesco in 2017, were projected onto a building facade.


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  • Enlace Foundation was invited to participate in colloquium “Let's Talk about the City” organized by the Venezuelan-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Caracas, on July 10, 2019, as part of the city´s 452th Anniversary celebration. Other participants included Haciendo Ciudad, Trazando Espacios, CCSCity450, Territorio Hub and Laboratorio Ciudadano. The discourse focused on the integration of the city, participatory urban transformation strategies and the notion of a people centered city.

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  • "More Nights Caracas" is an initiative organized by Ciudad Laboratorio that took place in the Bello Monte, Caracas on Saturday July 6, 2019. Enlace Foundation was invited to share a video and present the program "Integration Process Caracas” in the informal settlement La Palomera, which invites people to  abandon binary urban definitions as "formal" and "informal", overcome prejudices and build a real and symbolic notion of an integrated "Complete City."

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  • The Nature of Cities Summit took place for the very first time at Sorbonne University, Jussieu Marie Curie campus in Paris France on June 6, 2019. Organized by David Maddox and a very capable multidisciplinary team of artists, ecologists, activists, landscape architects and planners, the summit presented several discussion panels focusing on different aspects of a green city. Elisa participated in a panel together with David Simon -London and Cape Town, Fish Yu-Shenzhen and Samarth Das-Mumbai in the Summit Dialogue: How can we create living space in cities? 

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  • As part of the public programing for the 2019 Post-Professional Master of Architecture Thesis Exhibition, TOO FAST TOO SLOW, Architect and Princeton School of Architecture Visiting Lecturer Elisa Silva, discusses her work in terms of the exhibition's prompt of speed and the fortune, futility, and providence of time in practice.

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  • Community leaders together with the Integration Process Caracas held the Third Gathering of the series "Art, pedagogy and city," on Sunday, March 24, 2019. It was titled “Complete city, overflowing city” inviting people to participate, observe, understand and record spaces, while touring the barrio La Palomera in Baruta.

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  • "Integration Process Caracas" promotes the recognition of the entire city by blurring borders, overstepping boundaries and generating opportunities for gatherings where we can experience integration.

    We invite artists, creators and city lovers to participate in a co-creation experience with the community of La Palomera, Baruta. We are looking for people interested in working through a constant exchange with La Palomera´s neighbors to create interventions that manifest reflections on integration through art.

    If you are interested in submitting a proposal visit the following link for more information.

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  • Final review for the work of students in Harvard University Graduate School of Design “The Agency of Mezcal in the Oaxaca Valley” option studio led by Elisa Silva, was presented on the 10th of December 2018 in front of a multidisciplinary jury comprised of professors Diane Davis, chair of the GSD´s Department of Urban Planning and Design; Aziza Chaouni, associate professor at Daniel´s Univeristy of Toronto; Juan José Consejo, president of INSO in Oaxaca; Pablo Perez Ramos, assistant professor in Landscape Architecture GSD; Alistair McIntoch, Landscape architect and lecturer at the GSD; Steven Handel, ecologist and lecturer at the GSD; Miquel Adriá, director of Arquine in Mexico; Anna Heringer, architect and design critic GSD; Guilllermo Chavez in representation of Agave Capital and Bruxo Mezcal. Students developed proposals for the towns of San Martín Lachilá, Agua del Espino and San Agustín Amatengo in the Ejutla region of Oaxaca Mexico. The approaches considered reforestation strategies, water harvesting, public space, agave harvesting, wood production, the inclusion of women in new productive activities and expanding the management of mezcal related activities to include more ecologically sustainable strategies as well as new components of terroir.

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  • Enlace Foundation ended the first part of a public space project in Las Brisas La Palomera over the month of December, culminating the construction of a 19 meters long bench that lines the edge of pronounced topographical drop off at the top of La Palomera´s southern ridge. In order to create this new playground for children, neighbors who had parked their cars in this space graciously agreed to park their cars elsewhere in order to allow a new public space to be built. For security reasons the community and design team agreed to build the bench first as a protection device to keep children away from the edge. In January 2019 we will begin the construction of the swings.

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  • On November 17 we kicked off the "Integration Process Caracas" program with the first talk of the lecture series "Art, Pedagogy and the City". The lecture entitled "Strategies for Integration" brought together a diverse group of speakers who addressed issues related to urban integration such as the real and symbolic merging of the city and the distinction between "formal" and "informal" cities. The meeting took place in the La Palomera´s basketball court where Natalya Critchley, Cheo Carvajal, Elisa Silva, Sergio Dos Santos, Martina Arteaga and José González told us about integration experiences related to art, pedagogy, urban design and local experiences. The lecture was attended by neighbors from the community of La Palomera and other parts of the city. At the end of the presentations everyone participated in a workshop experience led by Katiuska Camargo, who invited them to dream as children and imagine transformations for the community. This initiative is part of the United States Embassy in Venezuela´s cultural program.

    + see video

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  • Students of the Oaxaca Valley Option Studio at the Harvard University Graduate School of Design visited the communities of San Martín Lachila, Agua del Espino and San Agustín Amatengo together with the studio sponsors, Bruxo Mezcal, and instructor Elisa Silva. The visit focused on understanding the mezcal making process, the community´s strengths and needs, as well as identifying opportunities for grounded interventions that can improve the livelihood, productivity, social inclusion and environmental conservation of the region.

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  • The Asian School of Architecture and Design Innovation ASADI in Cochin India has invited an international and nationa group of prominent architects and cultural figures to form the schoo´s governance board. The shared vision is to build a renewed approach to design education that is committed to both social and environmental engagement in built ecologies. Board members include Sunil Dubey, Sheila Prakash, Sharukh Mistry, Chris Johnson, Navina Jackson and Elisa Silva. They met for several days in Cochin, India to learn about the school and suggest possible future initiatives.

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  • The 2018 Guangzhou Award Technical Committee presented the 15 shortlisted cities at the 7th UCLG ASPAC congress in Surabaya Indonesia. Elisa Silva was part of the Technical Committee and also participated in a panel discussion on Urban Innovation together with Wandia Seaforth from Nairobi Kenya, Greg Budworth from Sydney Australia, Enrique Silva from the Lincoln Land Institute, Belinda Yuen from Singapore, Kristen Miller from Ecocity, Ali El-Faramawi from Cairo Egypt, Luigi Cipolla from Italy, and Carlos Zaballa from Buenos Aires Argentina. The discussions were moderated by Nicholas You of Citistates and coordinator of the Guangzhou Award.

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  • Elisa Silva was invited by the journalist Graciela Beltran for an interview on her radio program on Onda Station 109.7 RM on June 22nd 2018, to speak about the value of public space in the city. They also touched on the experience of the Sabana Grande Boulevard transformation, the potential integration of the city including its informal settlements through a network of public spaces, and the upcoming publication by Enlace Arquitectura on public spaces in informal settlements of Latin American cities titled “Pure Space”.

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  • The 15th and 16th of June a formal presentation was made of the public space projects designed together with the communities of Chapellin and El Cardon in Caracas. The Swiss Ambassador in Venezuela was among the audience members invited to the event. The project emerges as a collaboration between the communities, Caracas MiConvive and Enlace Arqutiectura, with the support of the Swiss Embassy in Venezuela.

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  • During the week of May 21st 2018, Elisa was invited to participate in a workshop of the Master in Urban and territorial development at the Cataluna Politecnical University UPC together with Prof. María Isabel Espinoza. The ninth debate on “Latin American cities and territories” took place on May 22ndand was moderated by Prof. Carles Llop.  Elisa presented the content of “CABA Cartography of the Caracas barrios” and the results of the AICA (Actions to Integrate Caracas) workshop sponsored by the Metropolitan Municipality.

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  • Elisa was invited to a live interview with Albani Losada and Unai Abenamar as part of their program on Radio Station Exitos 99.7, the 19th of February 2018. The conversation centered on the role public space plays in building social cohesion in cities. The City Planting projects by Citibank and Fudep are examples of how communities come together to transform their environment, but also manifest their desire to be considered equals in the city.

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  • Elisa participated in the 9th UN Habitat World Urban Forum in Kuala Lumpur. The Conavi office of social housing in Mexico and the offices of UN Habitat in Mexico have formed an alliance to collaborate on research regarding implementation practices of the NAMA program on sustainable social housing. Elisa Silva will study current practices on existing sustainable social housing complexes and identify practice opportunities to improve implementation and achieve buildings that achieve the targets of reduced energy and water consumption. Conavi and Infonavit, the country´s main mortgage lender, have vowed to reduce carbon emissions 50% by 2020 through better social housing building and maintenance practices. 

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  • We are pleased to communicate that Enlace Arquitectura and MiConvive have started a new collaboration to support communities in El Cardon - Antímano, La Hoyada - La Vega and Chapellín build new public spaces. The process entails a very close relationship with the community through didactic games focused on building awareness about the role and importance of public space. Design workshops allow community members to share their thoughts, desires and opinions about the space, and their continued involvement during the construction phase ensures appropriation and builds a sense of responsibility. We are very honored and excited to begin this new challenge.

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  • Elisa Silva participates in dialogues regarding what is common at the XX Architecture and Urban Design Biennial in Valparaiso Chile, curated by Claudio Magrini and Miguel Cancino. Presentations by Alejandro Echeverri of Medellin, Rua Arquitetos of Rio de Janeiro,  Elisa Silva of Caracas and Gonzalo Undurragaof Valparaiso to exchange perspectives on city dynamics in light of Valparaiso´s present opportunity to design a new zoning and planning structure for the city.

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  • Elisa Silva participates in dialogues about identity at the XX Architecture and Urban Design Biennial in Chile, curated by architect Pola Mora. The conversation included Ana María Durán (Ecuador), Inés Moisset (Argentina), Cazú Zegers (Chile) and Sandra Iturriaga (Chile) October 27, 2017 at the Parque Cultural in Valparaiso.

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  • Elisa Silva was invited to participate in the conversation series "Against Violence: debates to open the political field" together with Doris Barreto Fe y Alegria Community Center coordinator and Leandro Buzón of Caracas Mi Convive at Lugar Comun Paseo Las Mercedes September 28th 2017 at 5:00 pm. She spoke of Enlace Arquitectura´s work on the publication "CABA Cartographyof the Caracas Barrios", Pro-Inclusión with CAF and the program "City Planting" sponsored by Citibank Venezuela and coordinated by Fudep Venezuela. 

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  • Elisa Silva received a Grant from the Graham Foundation for the project "Pure Space: public space transformations in Latin American informal settlements." The grant represents a significant contribution to support the book´s publication and awards it with the prestigious honor of forming part of the Graham Foundation´s sponsorship that enjoys a wide network of alliances and avenues for dissemination.

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  • Enlace Arquitectura was selected to participate in the XX Architecture and Urban Design Biennial in Valparaiso Chile titled "Dialogos Impostergables" with the project "City Planting". The Biennial is an initiative of the Colegio de Arquitectos de Chile in collaboration with the Association of Architecture Offices and the Network of Architecture and Urbanism Schools in Chile.

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  • Elisa Silva participates in the Panel "Informal City and Participative Design: physical and symbolic connections" at the conferences de 1st of May 2017 of the LASA 2017 conference at the Pontificate Catholic University of Peru UPCP in Lima. She will share the research work of CABA: Cartography of the Caracas Barrios 1966-2014 and the spatially defined premises for inequality present in the urban territory.

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  • Enlace Arquitectura shares experiences in the participative design processes of the "City Planting" program together with other distinguished collegues at the Factulty of Architecture and Urbanism at the Central University of Venezuela. The event was organized by the Goethe Institute, Glocal Studio, Taller X and the Factulty of Architecture and Urbanism FAU on Friday March 10, 2017 from 9:00 am through 5:00pm.

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  • Elisa Silva presents the conference "Mapping and visualizing the growth of informal settlements - case Caracas 1966-2014" during the Limapolis 2017 Surco Canal workshop at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Perú, in Lima, Monday March 6th 2017 at 7:00 pm.

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  • Enlace Arquitectura was invited to participate in the project "Antimano - Catholic University Andres Bello - Live Cartography" with the exhibition "CABA Cartography of the Caracas barrios 1966-2014". The exhibition is open to the public during the month of March 2017 in the Experimental Hall of the Catholic University Andres Bello Cultural Center and includes a series of municipal maps and a large scale satellite map of Caracas (12.0 x 5.5 meters) at 1:5,000 scale, that shows the slum areas. Slums account for 4,470 hectares and the equivalent of 24% of the entire urban territory. 1.449.055 inhabitants live there, which is 45% of the Caracas population.

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  • Recently the roof construction was completed on the Media LeguaChurch in Vargas State, Venezuela thanks to the donation in kind bythe local Communal Council and the work of neighbors.

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  • The Board of Directors of the Simón Bolívar University Association of Professors awarded the Andrés Bello Award for Research and Publication in Social Sciences to "CABA Cartography of the Caracas Barrios 1966-2014" and the professors Elisa Silva, Henry Vicente, Lorenzo González Casas and Orlando Marín. The awardreconnizes research work published within the last two years.

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  • El Nacional publishes anarticle on Enlace Arquitectura´s work regarding the Cartography of the Caracas Slums presented at the IV Research Conferences of the Venezuelan Studies Section of LASA Latin American Studies Association on November 21,2016. The article highlights the study´s projections of future population growth in slums and the number of people that must berelocated to do eminent geological risk.

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  • CAF presents the publication Pro-Inclusion by coauthors PabloVaggione and Elisa Silva at Habitat IIII  the 17th of October 2016, in Quito Ecuador. 

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  • The Guangzhou Award for Urban Innovation invited Elisa Silva to participate as member of theTechnical Committee together with 11 other experts from around theworld, to select the 15 finalist cities in Bogotá Colombia duringthe UCLG - United Cities and Local Governments between the12th and 15th of October 2016. The Guangzhou Award´s objective is to disseminate exemplary local government practices with innovative projects to improve inhabitant´s qualityof life and advance efforts to protect the environment.

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  • Elisa Silva announces the 15sh ortlisted cities for the Guanzhou Award for Urban Innovation together wtih Sheila Ochugboju of Kenya and Belinda Yuen from Singapore, at the UCLG Conference in Bogotá the 15th of October 2016.

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  • Elisa Silva participates in the Pecha Kucha format presentations on Caracas and its notion ofland scape and territory organizaed by the Centro de la Ciudad foundation, Tuesday July 26th at the Sala TAC Trasnocho Cultural at 5:00 pm. Speakers include Carmen Araujo, María Isabel Espinosa, Nelson de Freitas, Elías González Sanavia, Gladys Emilia León, María Fernanda Maragall, Faitha Namens, Melin Nava, Ana Cristina Vargas Salas, Isabella Santander Salas, Víctor Sánchez Taffur y Elisa Silva.

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  • Enlace Arquitectura, the Venezuelan Chambre of Real Estateand Grupo SSA present the research work and publication CABA Cartography of the Caracas Barrios 1966-2014 on Monday July 25th 2016 at Corbanca La Castellana, 5:00pm. Speakers incluye Lorenzo González Casas, José Carvajal, Máximo Sacchini, Valentina Caradonna and Elisa Silva. Open invitation.

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  • Valentina Caradonna presents alecture on the work of CABA- Cartografía de los barrios en Caracas 1966-2014 at the Tega 4 space of the Los Andes University in Merida on Saturday June 25th at 2:00pm.

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  • The book "CABA Cartografía de los Barrios de Caracas 1966-2014"will be presented in Lugar Común bookstores on Sunday April 17th at 11:00 am. We hope to see you there.

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  • After more than two years ofresearch and design, the publicación CABA Cartografía de los barrios de Caracas 1966-2014 is here. The book represents a mappingexcercise of the informal settlments that exist in the city.

    It was put together by Enlace Arquitectura in collaboration with Henry Vicente Garrido, Lorenzo González Casas, Orlando Marín, José Carvajal and LilianaAmundaraín with the support of Máximo Sacchini.

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  • The Multi Deco commercial warehouse project is far along in itsconstruction phase. The complex has been designed on a 10.000 m2site in the Marques Alto of the commercial expansion area in Guatire, Miranda State.

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  • The Multi Deco commercial warehouse project is far along in itsconstruction phase. The complex has been designed on a 10.000m2 site in the Marques Alto of the commercial expansion area in Guatire, Miranda State.

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  • Elisa Silva participates in a forum discussion about the presense of informal settlments in Caracas, not as the "other" city but as part of it. Josefina Baldó and Rafael Machado were also invited to speak. The initiative forms part of artist Natalya Critchley´s project "Tourist Office in San Agustin del Sur". The event was organized by Cheo Carvajal and ittook palce at the Alameda Theatre in San Agustin del Sur at 6:00pm.

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  • Tuesday, November 10, Elisa Silvaparticipated in the conversation titled "Social Sinergies" withstudents of the Simon Bolivar University Architecture Students Center, together with Taller Independiente and Wook Fabrication Studio, about participatory design and design actions incommunities throughout the country.

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  • The interview Chance of course: a Venezuelan perspectivewith architect Henry Vicente Garrido during the Architecture Biennial in Rosario Argentina highlights the work of Enlace Arquitectura in the barrio La Moran in Caracas, Venezuela.

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  • Enlace Arquitectura received first prize in the Inparques Competition in 3 of the 4 categories for the design of a new mixed control park keeper structure specific to the plains, coast andjungle bioregions. The award event took place on Monday July 27th, 2015 at the Miranda Park.

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  • Architects Elisa Silva and Lorenzo González Casas togetherwith Cheo Carvajal reflect on "The city outside the map" at theLugar Comun Bookstore, Thursday May 7 2015 at 7:00pm

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  • Sabana Grande is part of the Symposium Building 2050 Americas League International Architecture Summit at FIU Florida International University School of Architecture March20 -21, 2015. Elisa Silva presented along side architects Solano Benítez, Mauricio Rocha and Juan Ignacio Cerda of Elemental.

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  • Elisa Silva was invited by the Faculty of Architecture andUrbanism of the Pontificia Universidad Católica of Perú PUCP to participate in Limapolis, an intense research and design studio, annually organized since 2011 between March 9 and 15 2015.

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  • Enlace Arquitectura, together with Inés Casanova and Enrique Blanco, received First Prize at the XI National ArchitectureBiennial in the category of Non-Built projects for the MaracayMetropolitan Ecological Park Competition in Maracay, Venezuela.
    Enlace was also awarded Honorable Mention for the rehabilitation interventions in the Barrio La Morán.

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  • Elisa Silva participates in the Round Table discusion"Architecture as social motor for intervention in Hábitat" by theUniversity of Coruña in Spain together with other Latin Americanarchitects working in the region. The session was moderated byarchitect Placido Lizancos Mora, Coordinator of the Habitat Projectat that institution.

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  • Elisa Silva participated in the 7th conversation on URBANITY ¡Lo cortez no quita lo valiente! at the Library Lugar Común, which wasorganized by Sampablera por Caracas. The conversation centered onthe relationship between civic behavior and access to public spacein the city.

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  • The Spanish Cultural Center presents a selection of 26 projects built between 2009 and 2011 in Latin America and the Iberian Peninsula ithat includes the Sabana Grande Boulevard Pavement project by Enlace Arquitectura.

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  • It is part of the UDEM School of Architecture in Monterrey´s ´Architecture Design Studio IV Tele-Talks' series."

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  • The magazine Estilo Propio in Argentina published anarticle on the rehabilitation project of the Sabana Grande Boulevard.

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  • In an interview with the journnal El Universal, Elisa Silva states that the scarcity of public space impacts the waycitizens of the venezuelan capital city of Caracas relate with eachother.

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  • Katherine Aguilar and Valentina Caradonna of Enlace Arquitectura participated in the "Forum:Changing the face of Caracas" at the Metropolitan Municipality of Caracas with a presentation on "Networks of Public Space in Caracas"

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  • Elisa Silva and Inés Casanova represented Enlace Arquitectura at the Wentworth Institute of Technology Symposium and Exhibition in Boston, USA.

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  • Publication of Enlace Architectua´s proposal for the Competition Metropolitan Park La Carlota.

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  • Time: 10:30am - 1:00pm
    Award ceremony for the second phaseof the "Public ideas competition to transform the military base La Carlota in a green metropolitan park" where Enlace Arquitectura participated as one of 3 finalists.

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  • Along with the 69 proposals submitted for the first phase of the "Public Ideas Competition to transform the Air Base into the La Carlota Metropolitan Green Park" sponsored by the Caracas Metropolitan Mayor's Office, Enlace Arquitectura´s proposal will be exhibited as one of three finalists and participants in the competition´s second phase.

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  • Enlace Arquitectura is awarded as one of 3 finalists inthe first phase of the Public Ideas Competition to transform La Carlota air base into a Green Metropolitan Park organized by the Metropolitan Mayor of the City of Caracas.

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  • The Sabana Grande Bouleverd Pavement project by Enlace Arquitectura is awarded in the VIII Archtecture and Urban Design of Iberoamerica Biennial.

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